Boilers (The Boiler) Surf Report

Current surf conditions for Boilers (2024-04-16)
Wave height * 0ft / 0m
Swell period 0s
Swell direction  °
Wind  ° 0mph / 0km/h
Weather Clear sky 25.1°C / 77°F
Sea temp 17°C / 63°F
* Wave size is face height of set waves.
Boilers surf map

10 day Boilers surf forecast



Thu 1st Jan

Surf report for Thu 01/01
  Wave size Primary swell Direction Period Wind direction Wind speed Weather

Fast, powerful right point breaking over a sharp, urchin infested reef - lots of fun getting in and out! Picks up more swell than the Taghazoute breaks so can be super crowded when small

Like most spots named 'Boilers' this one gets its name from the rusty old ship's boiler that is just visible at low tide

Surf spots nearby

Not Magic Seaweed (MSW)

Although we look a bit like Magic Seaweed we are not MagicSeaweed as they no longer exist...