Christiania Beach
Beaches nearby
- Amager Strandpark (2 mi)
- Kastrup Sbad (2.8 mi)
- Svanemølle Strand (3 mi)
- Hellerup Strand (3.9 mi)
- Charlottenlund Søbad (4.9 mi)
- Hvidovre strand (5.5 mi)
- Bellevue Strand (6.8 mi)
- Dragr Strand (6.8 mi)
- Dragr Sydstrand (7 mi)
- Vallensbæk Strand - Brøndby Strand (8.7 mi)
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Current weather (Wed Sep 18th 01:00)
(Partly cloudy)
15.8°C / 60°F
Sea temperature
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5 Day Christiania Beach UV Index
A UV Index reading of 3 or more means some precautions should be taken. For more information visit our guide to the UV Index.
Temperature Averages
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Christiania Beach tide times
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