Davenport Beach Weather
Davenport Beach Weather Info
Current weather (Sun Feb 9th 19:00)

8°C / 46°F
Sea temperature
Wind | NNW 17 mph / 27 km/h |
Rain | 0mm |
Sunrise | 16:06 |
Sunset | 02:39 |
Hourly forecast

Clear sky
8°C / 46°F

17 mph
27 km/h

Clear sky
4.4°C / 40°F

8 mph
13 km/h

Clear sky
2.7°C / 37°F

8 mph
13 km/h

Clear sky
13.3°C / 56°F

14 mph
23 km/h
Week weather forecast
Mon 10th

8.2°C / 47°F

21 mph
34 km/h
Tue 11th

8.3°C / 47°F

17 mph
27 km/h
Weather forecast from Yr, delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and NRK
5 Day Davenport Beach UV Index

A UV Index reading of 3 or more means some precautions should be taken. For more information visit our guide to the UV Index.
Temperature Averages
Average Water Temp
More California beaches in USA
Santa Cruz
CA 95017
Beaches nearby
- Shark Fin Cove (0.5 mi)
- Bonny Doon Beach (0.9 mi)
- Panther/Yellowbank Beach (1.7 mi)
- Davenport Landing Beach (1.7 mi)
- Hole-in-the-Wall Beach (1.8 mi)
- Laguna Creek Beach (2.6 mi)
- Scott Creek Beach (3 mi)
- Red, White and Blue Beach (3.6 mi)
- Four Mile Beach (4.8 mi)
- China Ladder Beach (5.4 mi)